Junior Geeks continues with its STEM Education program

Despite the current circumstances, 230 high schoolers continue to get a full experience of their STEM Education, through the JuniorGeeks clubs in 8 municipalities via a hybrid learning system.
Now that the 2nd edition finally commenced, lectures have started with 25-30 teens throughout each 8 municipalities, those being Prishtina, Peja, Gjakova, Ferizaj, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gjilan and Skenderaj. With clubs formed all throughout these spots, enthusiastic students ready to let their creative juices flow and show their capacities in class, lectures thus far include Game Development, Social Media Management, Software Engineering, Basics of Algorthim & Coding, Entrepreneurship, Hardware Engineering (ToT), Multimedia Design, Body Language & Soft Skills, Cyber Security, Programming and Robotics, and 2D/3D Motion Graphics.
The cool lecturers of the program, Lekë Sahatqija teaming with Agnesa Belegu for Game Development, give some insight on how classes function on their part and how they make sure to make it the best it could be. Lekë relays “We try to make the lecture fun; we have a conversation with the kids on what games are, how they work and how making them works. We do workshops with old school pen and paper, letting them design their first game. We team them up to make boardgames together, get them to play each other’s games and then plan to hop off into more technical aspects. You can see how they try to relate it with this country’s experiences to give it its voice. In the end, it’s a cultural snapshot that is affected by real life as much as it helps guide cultural perceptions”.
Starting off on-site and after the challenging developments of the pandemic, continuing online, students share testimonies of their experiences throughout the lectures.
Olta Komoni, a 14-year-old student of Yll Morina in Gjakova relays her comment “I have enjoyed the classes so much in both versions, especially Programming and Robotics! Learning about stuff we don’t usually even talk about in school, exploring completely new themes and talking about topics that could help us pick a career with fun lecturers directing us, it’s all pretty exciting!”
“What I enjoy most is seeing how actually dedicated the lecturers are to teaching us in a more upbeat way. I like Software Engineering in particular since I didn’t have a clue about how software programs actually work and it managed to be so complex and vast. Knowing things I didn’t before is why I like extra-curricular activities, and this keeps reminding me why I like gaining knowledge.” Confessed Gjini krasniqi, a 15-year-old student from Municipality of Junik Gymnasium in Junik.
Special thanks to our partners Jakova Innovation Center, Shkolla Digjitale (Ferizaj & Prizren), RDA North (Mitrovica), Shkolla e Mesme Teknike ” Shaban Spahija ” - Pejë, Shkolla e Mesme Teknike “Anton Çetta” Skenderaj, Gjimnazi i Shkencave Natyrore ” Xhavit Ahmeti ” Gjilan- Faqja Zyrtare.
The show goes on with no sign of wavering, both parties engaged vigorously online to do what they do best: teach each other, and learn from each other. Stay Tuned!
The Junior Geeks is financed by the U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo and Department of State (MDAO).
This project is awarded to Kosovo US Alumni Ms. Eldita Tarani, Mr. Shpend Lila & Ms. Zana Tabaku, by the US Department of State’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund 2018 and MDAO in 2020. The project is implemented in partnership with KUSA.